
7 Small Hypoallergenic Dogs: little to no shedding or dander.

Written by Petsvan

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

7 Small Hypoallergenic Dogs list
7 Small Hypoallergenic Dogs

Small hypoallergenic dogs are perfect for people with allergies who want a low-maintenance pet that doesn’t shed.
Consider a few things if you’re allergic to dogs but still desire to adopt.
First, you’ll need to find small hypoallergenic dog breeds that don’t shed or produce very little dander.
Second, you’ll need to consider the size of the dog. Smaller dogs are better for people with allergies because they produce less dander than larger breeds.
Third, you’ll need to decide if you want a purebred or a mixed-breed dog. Purebreds are more likely hypoallergenic, but mixed breeds can also be low-shedding and low-dander.
Finally, you’ll need to find a reputable breeder or rescue organization to provide you with a hypoallergenic dog.

This list of small hypoallergenic dogs is an excellent resource for people looking for non-shedding or low-dander dog breeds:

Chinese crested dog

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  • Height: 11-13 inches
  • Weight: 8-12 pounds
  • Life Span: 13-18 years

Chinese crested dog is suitable for those who suffer from severe allergic attacks. Indeed, hair is almost non-existent in this breed which considerably reduces the risks for people allergic to dog hair.
There are two variants of Chinese crested dogs: Hairless and Powderpuff. While hairless crested Chinese dogs require less work in terms of coats, their hair makes them prone to skin problems. Their periodic molting is what makes this breed hypoallergenic. The Powderpuff crested Chinese dog has a shorter undercoat than the long layer, making them easier to brush. This differentiating factor also makes their hair tangle faster than others, so you must brush them repeatedly to avoid this.

Shih Tzu

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  • Height: 9-10.5 inches
  • Weight: 9-16 pounds
  • Life Span: 10-18 years

The Shih-Tzu is a great-looking dog, very playful and endowed with boundless energy. If he is often singled out for his stubbornness in obeying, he is a dog who learns only through fun. Shih-Tzu is an ideal dog for allergy sufferers since it does not lose hair. It produces very little dander and is one of the best small hypoallergenic dogs.
Loyal and playful, dogs of this small breed are incredibly affectionate with children. Initially, they were bred to spend their days lying in palaces. They are great pets, whether you live in a flat or a house with a garden. Since they have two kinds of hair, you must brush them often.

Read also: This List of Large hypoallergenic dogs will surprise you!


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  • Height: 7-9 inches
  • Weight: 4-6 pounds
  • Life Span: 12-15 years

The Maltese is a breed of dog with robust health since it lives on average about 15 years. The Maltese dog is friendly, affectionate, energetic, and intelligent. This dog loves spending time with his family more than anything and adapts very well to apartment life. It is particularly suitable for allergy sufferers since its skin produces very little dander. In addition, it hardly salivates (dog saliva can also contain allergens responsible for triggering dog allergies). On the other hand, maintaining its silky and delicate fur takes a lot of time and effort. Brushing the dog’s coat almost daily and a complete grooming session once a less is required.

Yorkie (Yorkshire Terrier)

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  • Height: 7-8 inches
  • Weight: 7 pounds
  • Life Span: 11-15 years

These lovable Yorkshire terriers make the perfect dogs for those who enjoy carrying them around in their handbags. They are small, which generally produces fewer allergies than large dogs. The hair of a Yorkie is very similar to human hair, which also requires the same level of maintenance. However, like all long-haired dogs, you must brush them daily to avoid knots forming in their fur.

Miniature Schnauzer

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  • Height: 12-14 inches
  • Weight: 11-20 pounds
  • Life Span: 12-15 years

Schnauzers are loyal and kind dogs that lose much less hair than average. They are wonderful small hypoallergenic dogs who devote all their time to pleasing their master. Thus, they will never leave you alone and follow you wherever you go. In addition, it does not require much maintenance: weekly brushing is usually enough to rid its dress of impurities and allow it to keep its beautiful shine.

Bedlington Terrier

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  • Height: 15-17.5 inches
  • Weight: 17-23 pounds
  • Life Span: 11-16 years

This breed is known for its curly coat and is often compared to a lamb because of its appearance and mannerisms. Although their coat does not fall off, it overgrows and will need to be cut more often. With its curly coat and drooping ears, the Bedlington Terrier looks like a lamb. Yet it is a fast and faithful hunting dog, which has long been used to track rabbits and badgers. He is playful and very active, and he needs to spend daily.


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  • Height: 15-17.5 inches
  • Weight: 17-23 pounds
  • Life Span: 11-16 years

His silky coat can sport different colors. Most owners leave its fur in its natural state, but some people weave it into dreadlocks. In any case, the Havanese lose little hair. This adaptable, intelligent, outgoing, and friendly dog makes a perfect city dog. A Havanese must be cared for daily to prevent its coat from tangling and matting. Because of their only occasional loss, it is one of the dogs that is a safer choice for allergy sufferers.

Best hypoallergenic dogs by size

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  • Small hypoallergenic dogs: the American hairless terrier, schnauzer, bichon frisé, Shih Tzu, toy poodle, Chinese crested dog, Bedlington terrier, Yorkshire, Basenji, Havanese, and Maltese bichon.
  • Large hypoallergenic dogs: the Portuguese Water Dog, Giant Schnauzer, Standard Poodles, Afghan Greyhound, and Irish Water Spaniel.

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